At HPDS, we strive to build a meaningful learning experience that meets the needs of a wide variety of learning styles and interests. All programs are based in sound research and reflect the best practices from a range of curricula and methodologies. Our Interdisciplinary Units are built using Ontario Curriculum expectations, the principles of 21st Century Skills development, Project Based Learning methodologies, and the integrated concepts of STEM learning. Working collaboratively, our team builds inquiry units for each of our three age groups. As an additional element, to round out the program and teach to the whole child, we include explicit lessons and activities based around character development and mindfulness. Students regularly engage in conversations and projects centred on friendship, empathy and respect (to name a few). During transitions between subjects and various parts of our timetable, students often practice mindfulness breathing or yoga as a way to reflect and reset before the next learning opportunity.


Project Based Learning (PBL)

Project Based Learning (PBL) is an exciting instructional model that engages students in meaningful projects with real-life applications. Theme units of student begin with a proposed problem, challenge or project that students work towards.  Deep understanding of curricular content becomes a necessity for students to solve theMath, reading and verbal skills. problem or complete the project successfully, while the emphasis remains on development of cognitive skills.  Students are invested in their projects and rigour remains high as they work to the deadline to deliver the solution or product to an authentic audience. 

Project Based Learning implicitly develops 21st Century Skills through meaningful interdisciplinary project work. Knowledge is applied and skills are developed through inquiry that has context and purpose. Project Based Learning allows our teachers to engage all students, addressing both their preferred learning styles and natural academic abilities. Students have the opportunity to work outside the classroom with members of our community and with industry experts to come up with real solutions. Through Project Based Learning students develop a love of learning as they see purpose in all of the work they do.


21st Century Skills

International leaders and think-tanks agree: In order to keep pace and be successful in today's modern, digital world, students need to develop "21st Century Skills". 

At High Park Day School we provide a rich and cohesive curriculum that builds these essential skills while students develop deep and meaningful understanding of content knowledge.

Our 21st Century classrooms foster:

  • Critical Thinking
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Technology Literacy


Social and Emotional Education

We believe that the social and emotional needs of a child are just as important as intellectual needs and require consideration and support to help students achieve success.  Character Education and mindfulness therefore have both explicit and implicit roles in our curriculum. Programs incorporate themes of friendship, respect, open-mindedness and community.  We also take time throughout our day to practice mindfulness activities to help remain calm and focussed. Students who require additional help to work through social and emotional challenges find support through understanding and caring teachers who assist students in developing the skills they need.


Media and Technology Literacy

Technology is integrated into all aspects of our program predominantly through the use of iPads. Students develop the skills needed to become ethical digital citizens in a technology-based society. Our students learn how to use technology as a tool for creation, research and to connect meaningfully and responsibly with others.


Maker Space

Amazing things happen when students are given the right tools and the opportunity to create and innovate with limitless imagination.  The ‘Maker Movement’ is an important addition to 21st Century education and will have an important impact on our future as students learn the importance of creating versus consuming.  At HPDS, student have regular ‘Maker’ classes as part of our STEM program and have access to 3D Printers, computers and electronics, hand tools, and a variety of other materials that allow them to become creative innovators.  Students are also provided opportunities to learn to code – an important new literacy for digital natives. 


The Arts

Education in the Arts is essential to fostering 21st Century Skills.  At HPDS we value the importance that the Arts plays in developing critical thinking and problem solving skills, and the association with academic gains in Math, language and verbal skills.  Drama, music, dance and visual arts allow our students to connect more deeply with their world as they learn to see it in a new way, and discover new ways to communicate through artistic expression.