Field Trips and Guest Educators
At High Park Day School, real-life experiences are an integral part of our Project Based Learning approach. Experiential Learning allows our students to connect in a meaningful way with the concepts they are studying and discover answers to their questions from authentic sources. Regular field trips and visits from expert guest speakers from the field help our students understand that valuable lessons are not confined to the teachings in a classroom; Deep learning from everyday experiences, our community, and knowledgeable experts becomes second nature to HPDS students.
The neighbourhoods of Baby Point, Bloor West Village and the Junction offer many unique field trip opportunities, not to mention Toronto as a whole. Since our projects change each school year, we are able to attend a wide variety of authentic field trips and participate in experiential learning without ever exhausting our options. We also regularly take advantage of the public parks and green spaces that surround our school, such as hiking along the Humber River or visiting High Park.
Discovery Learning
Traditional methods of learning in compartmentalized subjects limit the depth of knowledge that students are capable of achieving. Our discovery learning opportunities give students the ability to explore, inquire, and achieve deep learning in cross-curricular studies and can reach the broad range of diverse learning styles . Critical thinking, creativity and problem solving skills develop with each experience. The flexibility of this learning allows for engagement on multiple levels.