Positive Change

This week the students have continued to work on their action projects. Letters and persuasive posters have been written and in many cases already posted or sent to a selected audience. The outpouring of support from the community has been both exciting and humbling! A huge thank you to all families and community members who have donated supplies and time to our groups!

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Birdhouse and Planting Donations!

Team D.S. received containers, string, lard and seed donations which allowed them to create seed cakes for the neighbourhood bird community! The boys reveled in the idea that getting mucky was a way to make a difference!

photo 2(3)Action Leads to Empathy

Throughout the Action Unit, the students have demonstrated so much more awareness for the people, animals and nature in our neighbourhood. During our breaks in the park, many students have been helping to clean up, pick weeds, and build shelters for insects. We could not be more proud of these real-life learning outcomes.


***Reminder*** Progress Reports will be sent home with students on Friday, June 14th. Parent-Teacher meetings will be held over the following 2 weeks, from June 17th to June 26th. Please remember to sign up for a meeting time in the lobby or via email!